Three Ways To Work With Spring Energy

This time of year always fills me with such excitement for what's to come after a long, cold winter (my fellow Canadians, you understand πŸ˜‰).

The spring equinox that was on March 20th, also known as Ostara, symbolizes a time of the year when there is equal light and darkness in the sky. When day and night are approximately the same length.

This is the time of the year when new, fresh energy and life begins to bloom.

Nature reawakens from it's long slumber and so do we.

Creativity and new possibilities begin to take shape and we feel a greater sense of lightness after a dark winter.

One: set intentions for the rest of the year

Spring is a time of year to allow yourself to dream big and let creative ideas flow. This is a great time to set intentions for what you want to manifest for the rest of the year.

On a piece of paper write down:

  • What would you like to see come to fruition by December 2022?

  • What energy to you want to embody? 

two: create a spring altar

Work with the spring energy by creating a sacred space in your home (a desk or shelf will do). Here are some ways you can add the four elements to your altar:

  • fresh cut flowers

  • a candle

  • a rock or shell

  • cup of water

I invite you to get creative and make it your own! You can also add cards, crystals or anything that sparks love and inspiration.

I also like to write my intentions down, fold them up and place them on my altar. Set the intention for this area to bring new energy into your home.

three: clean sweep

Open the windows and let the fresh spring air clean the energy of your house! This is also a great time to clean out the cupboards, fridge, closets and donate anything that no longer serves you or is making your home feel stuffy or crowded.

If our environment is cluttered, so is our mind.

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With gratitude,


your coach

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