About Gill Body and Soul Holistic Support through intuitive healing


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transform your life

my mission

To support you in finding balance and feeling your best in all areas of your life through nutrition, meditation, yoga and energy.


my story

Meet gill

Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, 200hr Registered Yoga Meditation Teacher and Reiki practitioner

I always had an interest in healthy living, but my journey truly began when I was eighteen when my dad lost a hard-fought battle to stage four cancer. My world was completely turned upside down; it was a huge wake up call for my family and I. It completely changed my perspective on health and life. Going through that experience taught me that each day is a gift. It reconnected me back to the importance of caring for ourselves and that when you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

This experience also made me realize that in our Western world, we have become so disconnected from our bodies. Treating each part separate from the whole and placing band-aids on symptoms rather than digging deeper to discover the root cause. Typically, like in my dads case, it’s not until there are serious symptoms or a diagnosis that we turn to preventative health practices. Many of us have grown accustomed to viewing health as something that can be achieved with a quick fix, diet or a pill when in reality, health is a daily practice. This is why I am so passionate and care very deeply about helping others feel their best - inside and out.

natural body healing alignment naturopath

My health wasn’t always the way it is now. In my 20’s I pushed myself beyond what my body could handle. Dealing with chronic stress, insomnia, anxiety and hormone imbalances led me to become sick very often and require monthly rounds of antibiotics, which I would later discover completely wiped out my immune system. I knew I was avoiding a deeper problem and was determined to find a more sustainable way to heal my body that would last long-term.

I then began to do my own research and learn about different preventative tools and natural ways to heal my body and bring it back into alignment. With the help of holistic practitioners, nourishing foods and yoga, I was finally able to feel like myself again. Over the last decade, I have fallen in love with a holistic way of living and have created my own unique ‘health toolbox’ that I can’t wait to share with you!


I then had to ask myself the hard question, was I living my dream or someone else’s?


Before finding health coaching, I spent years working in corporate jobs that left me feeling lost and unfulfilled. This became evident when I landed what I thought was my dream job after graduating from my MBA. I had checked everything off my list, yet I still felt unfulfilled, unhappy and burnt out. It was then that I realized I was trying to be someone who I knew deep down wasn’t the real me. I was focused on measuring my self worth by my job title and salary and it wasn’t fulfilling a deeper desire within. I finally had to ask myself the hard question - was I living my dream or someone else’s? It was then that I realized my calling had been standing in front of me all along.

divine purpose healthy happy life mind body soul

This led me to become a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, 200-hr Registered Yoga Teacher, 100-hr Meditation Teacher and a Level 2 Reiki practitioner.

I know my purpose is to help others lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by empowering them to take their health back into their own hands. It is an honour to be able to guide and support people in feeling their best, living consciously and discovering what nourishes their own soul so they can live a long, healthy life.

My hope is that you find this for yourself as well.

From my heart to yours,

Gill xo


you don’t have to see the whole staircase, you just have to take the first step.


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